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SCINCO S-3100 spectrophotometer SCINCO PDA SCINCO PHOTO DIODE ARRAY Spectrophotometer NEW with 1, 2 or 3 YEAR warranty SCINCO S3100 Spectrophotometer
The PDA Spectrophotometer has a multi-channel detector controlled by a microprocessor which collects spectral data for several wavelengths simultaneously, while a PMT Spectrophotometer has a single channel detector which collects data for each specific wavelength in turn. The PDA Spectrophotometer is therefore much faster and gives more reproducible results than the PMT Spectrophotometer which depends on a rotating grating or prism operated by a stepper motor to obtain individual wavelengths.
The S-3100 System is a multi-channel spectrophotometer with a 1 inch 1024 channel photodiode array giving optimum wavelength resolution. One feature of a PDA is an integrating photo-detector which integrates charge depending on the light intensity. The advantage of the integrating function is named Felgette`s S/N advantage or Multi-channel advantage.
Available is select areas of USA- contact us at 732-779-5557 MOBILE 24/7 for latest news
IQ/OQ/PQ and Validations available
Perkin Elmer UV/VIS/NIR Lambda 19 upgraded Perkin Elmer Lambda 19 UV VIS NIR Perkin Elmer options such as Integrating Sphere may be available, this system ships with software, computer, printer and ready to go- This double beam double monochrometer ratio recording UV Visible NEAR INFRARED Spectrophotometer, Total Useable Wavelength Range 185-3200nm, a real nice system that ships ready to go