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HPLC Detectors - Conductivity, Diode Array, Evaporative Light Scattering, Fluorescence, Refractive Index, UV-Vis

1040A, HPLC Hewlett Packard









ABI Kratos 757 Spectraflow Absorbance HPLC Detector

Agilent 1049 Hewlett Packard 1049 Electrochemical Detector

Agilent 1100 UV Detector Agilent G1314 UV HPLC Detector used tested working when shipped

Agilent 1200 G1315B Diode Array Detector

Agilent G1315A Diode Array Detector Hewlett Packard

Agilent G1321A Agilent 1100 Series G1321A Agilent FLD Agilent fluorescence detector used very nice HPLC

Alltech 500 ELSD Evaporative Light Scattering Detector

Alltech ELSD 2000 Evaporative Light Scattering Detector

Beckman 156 Refractive Index Detector Beckman Refractive Index Detector Model 156 Beckman

Beckman 160 HPLC Detector Beckman System Gold 160 HPLC UV-VIS HPLC Detector Beckman HPLC Beckman 160 GREEN used very nice

Beckman 166 HPLC Detector Beckman System Gold 166 HPLC UV-VIS HPLC Detector Beckman HPLC Beckman 166 GREEN used very nice

Beckman 166 HPLC Detector Beckman System Gold 166 HPLC UV-VIS HPLC Detector Beckman HPLC used very nice

Beckman 166 HPLC Detector Beckman System Gold 166 HPLC UV-VIS HPLC Detector Beckman HPLC used very nice

Beckman 167 HPLC Detector Beckman System Gold 167 HPLC UV-VIS HPLC Detector Beckman HPLC Beckman 167 GREEN used very nice

Beckman HPLC Beckman PACE MDQ Diode Array Detector Module Beckman Diode Array Detector P/ACE MDQ used

BIORAD 1755 Digital Refractive Index Detector Bio-Rad 1755 Refractive Index Monitor Bio-Rad Refractive Index Monitor HPLC Detector used nice

Erma ERC-7510 Refractive Index Detector for HPLC Erma Refractive Index Detector ERMA RI Detector Hewlett Packard 1037 Detector Hewlett Packard 1047 Refractive Index Detector used

ERMA ERC-7515A (Erma CR. Inc. Kawaguchi City Japan) ERMA CR ERC-7515A ERMA REFRACTIVE INDEX DETECTOR use tested and working

ESA CORONA ULTRA Detector Corona harged Aerosol Detector used nice

Hewlett Packard Agilent Refractive Index Detector 1037A Erma

Hitachi L-7480 Fluorescence Detector FL Detector Hitachi L7480

Hitachi L 7400 HPLC UV VIS Detector Mint

Hitachi L-7450 Hitachi L7450 Diode Array Detector HPLC

Hitachi L-7455 Diode Array Detector Hitachi L7455 Hitachi Diode Array Detector Hitachi 7000 Series Diode Array Detector used very nice

Hitachi L-7485 Fluorescence Detector Hitachi LaChrom L-7485 Fluorescence Detector Hitachi L7485

HPLC Waters 481 UV VIS Detector

HPLC Waters 996 Diode Array Detector

JASCO Fluorescence Detector HPLC, JASCO Elmer Fluorescence Detector HPLC

Jasco FP-2020 Plus Intelligent Fluorescence Detector Jasco Fluorescence Detector Jasco FP2020 Plus Intelligent Fluorescence Detector used

JASCO FP-920 Fluorescence Detector Jasco FP920 Fluorescence Detector Jasco HPLC Detector

Knauer 2300 SMARTLINE Refractive Index Detector Knauer Smartline RI Detector 2300 Knauer D-14163

Knauer Differential Refractometer Preparative Knauer Refractive Index Detector

Knauer K-2600 Knauer K2600 Variable Wavelength UV HPLC Detector used nice

Knauer Refractive Index Detector Knauer HPLC Detector Refractive Index used

LDC/Milton Roy RefractoMonitor III Refractive Index Detector

Malvern Viscotek Model TDA 305 Triple Detector Array Viscotek TDA-305 Viscotek Malvern

Perkin Elmer ABI 785 HPLC UV VIS Detector Mint

Perkin Elmer FL Fluorescence Series 200 HPLC System includes Perkin Elmer Series 200 FL Fluorescence Detector Series 200 Auto Sampler Series 200 LC Pump Perkin Elmer Nelson 900 Series Interface ships refurbished with software and computer and ready to g

Perkin Elmer Series 200 Fluorescence Detector for HPLC

Perkin Elmer Series 200 GPC System Gel Permeation Chromatography System Perkin Elmer Series 200 HPLC System Perkin Elmer HPLC System used refurbished Perkin Elmer Series 200 Refractive Index Detector and Perkin Elmer Series 200 UV/VIS HPLC Detector Perki

Perkin Elmer Series 200 HPLC Diode Array Detector

Perkin Elmer Series 200 Refractive Index Detector HPLC Perkin Elmer Refractive Index

Perkin Elmer Series 200 Refractive Index Detector Perkin Elmer Refractive Index Detector Series 200 Perkin Elmer Graphical User interface Refractive Index detector Shodex RI-101 similar to Dionex RI-101 used nic

Perkin Elmer Series 200 Series 200 UV/VIS Detector Perkin Elmer 200 Series Perkin Elmer HPLC Detector Perkin Elmer UV-VIS HPLC Detector used newer style

Perseptive Biosystems UVIS-205 Absorbance Detector

Polymer Laboratories PL ELS1000u Light Scattering Detector Polymer Laboratories PL-ELS 1000u

Polymer Laboratories PL-EMD960 Evaporative Light Scatter Detector

Precison Dynamic Light Scattering Detector

SEDERE 55 Sedex 55 Evaporative Light Scattering Detector (ELSD) S.E.D.E.R.E. 55 Light Scattering Detector

Sedex 75 Evaporative Light Scattering Detector (ELSD) S.E.D.E.R.E. 75 Light Scattering Detector ships working and tested

Shimadzu Fluorescence Detector Shimadzu HPLC Shimadzu RF-10Axl Fluorescence Detector Refurbished and ready to ship real fast this system is like new and appears barely if even used at all!

Shimadzu Refractive Index Detector RID-6A Shimadzu RID-6A RID Detector

Shimadzu RID-10A Refractive Index Detector Shimadzu RID-10A Shimadzu RID-10A Shimadzu RID10A Refractive Index Detector Shimadzu HPLC Detector used nice

Shimadzu SPD-10AV VP UV VIS HPLC Detector

Shodex RI-101 Analytical Refractive Index Detector Shodex GPC Detector Shodex RI-100 series is a versatile and high sensitive RI detectors that can be used with various manufactures HPLC Systems NEW, Shodex RI-101 Analytical Refractive Index Detector Shodex GPC Detector Shodex RI-100 series is a versatile and high sensitive RI detectors that can be used with various manufactures HPLC Systems

Shodex RI101 Refractive Index Detector Shodex RI-101 Analytical Refractive Index Detector

Shodex RI102 Refractive Index Detector Shodex RI-102 Preparative Refractive Index Detector

Shodex RI104 Refractive Index Detector Shodex RI-104 Semi-Micro Refractive Index Detector

Shodex RI-71 Refractive Index Detector Dionex RI-71 Refractive Index Detector Perkin Elmer Refractiv

Thermo Seperations 100 Spectra UV VIS HPLC Detector

Varian 325 UV-Visible HPLC Detector for HPLC Varian Prostar 325 UV-Visible HPLC Detector for HPLC used nice

Varian 363 Fluorescence Detector Varian Fluorescence Detector Varian HPLC deetctor used nice

Varian Prostar 320 UV VIS Detector Varian 320 Prostar HPLC Detector Agilent Varian UV VIS HPLC Detector varian HPLC Detector used

Varian Prostar 350 RI Detector Varian Model 350 RI Detector Varian Prostar Refractive Index Detector varian 350RI Refractive Index HPLC Detect

Varian PROSTAR HPLC System-Varian 363 Fluorescence Detector, Varian 330 Diode Array system, Varian 410 Autosampler, and Varian 230 Ternary Pump- this is a complete nice warranted used system with two detectors, a Ternary Pump, a 410 Vial autosampler and c

Varian RI-3 Refractive Index Detector

Varian Star 9040 Refractive Index Detector for HPLC

Waters 2410 Refractive Index Detector Waters Refractive Index Detector 2410 used

Waters 2414 Refractive Index Detector Waters Refractive Index Detector Waters Detector Wataer Alliance Refractive Index detector used nice

Waters 2420 Evaporative Light Scattering Detector used nice Waters 2420 ELSD used nice

Waters 2487 UV-VIS HPLC Detector Waters 2487 Dual Wavelength UV-VIS HPLC Detector

Waters 2487 UV-VIS HPLC Detector Waters 2487 Dual Wavelength UV-VIS HPLC Detector used refurbished when shipped file photo

Waters 2795 HPLC with Column Oven Option with Waters 2996 Diode Array Detector

Waters 2996 Diode Array Detector Waters Diode Array Detector 2996

Waters 410 Refractive Index Detector Waters Refractive Index Detector 410 used ships tested warranted and working so you can use it

Waters 470 Scanning Fluorescence Detector HPLC

Waters 470 Scanning Fluorescence Detector warranted on sale now

Waters 996 Diode Array Detector HPLC 000648

Wyatt Technologies MiniDAWN Light Scattering Detector used

WYATT Technology Optilab rEX (refractometer with EXtended range) WYATT OPTILAB REX used very nice system


1. EXPERIENCED-We have been building labs, equipping labs, and supplying lab equipment parts and service for over 20 years. With over 100 years of combined lab equipment experience at our site and working with many experienced technicians, we try to offer the right equipment at the right price for you, our partner.

2. SAVE MONEY- We sell, lease, and rent - You save money, 5-70% off original retail, so you get great equipment at a great price.

3. WARRANTY -We offer a warranty on our refurbished equipment and new manufacturer warranty on new equipment.

4. SERVICE- We offer instrument service, refurbishment validations, and calibrations at great rates and skill levels.

5. INSTRUMENT PARTS- We sell new instrument parts and new equipment parts and hard to find used older parts

6. UNIQUE- We are an independent dealer and also sell used instruments, such as AA, FTIR, GC, GC/MS, HPLC, LC/MS, ICP, ICP/MS, Particle Size Analysis, UV/VIS, and UV/VIS/NIR. This equipment is manufactured by companies like Agilent, Hewlett Packard, Waters, Hitachi, Perkin Elmer, Shimadzu, Beckman, and more. WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH THESE COMPANIES IN ANY WAY!

7. BUILD LABS- We well discounted made in USA Lab Casework, Fume hoods, Blowers, Safety Cabinets, and Clean Benches.

8. CASH PAID-Top dollar paid, and you can sell your excess, obsolete, surplus equipment with us. We can buy it or sell on consignment.

9. DIVERSIFIED-We sell a very broad line of new and used Lab Equipment. See our detailed listing above.




Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025



Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025



Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025



Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025



Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025



Monday, Mar 17, 2025



Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025



Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025